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The Federal Government has reaffirmed its commitment in the 2019-2020 Budget to fully fund the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), and has set a ten-year investment plan for the MRFF.

"It’s reassuring to hear reaffirmation of this commitment to fully fund the MRFF," says Professor Shaun Jackson, Director of Cardiovascular Research at HRI.

This crit­i­cal new source of med­ical research fund­ing is like­ly to have a pro­found pos­i­tive impact on our health­care sys­tem in the decades to come, and the gov­ern­ment should be con­grat­u­lat­ed on their far-sight­ed vision.”

The Budget outlines the Government’s $5 billion Ten Year Investment Plan for the MRFF, which includes $220 million for research into cardiovascular health as well as $605 million in funding for infrastructure to support medical research.

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