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Five talented student researchers from New Zealand took part in a summer scholarship at the HRI.

This 8-week scholarship provided high-achieving and promising Kiwi students the opportunity to work on a medical research project directly related to cardiovascular disease, expand on their skills and knowledge and be mentored in a world-class research institute.

They share their experiences with us here.

Samantha Barclay

Med­ical research is real­ly the way of the future. One of the main high­lights of my time at the HRI would be see­ing the heart in 3D on a computer.”

Blair Lowry

The best moments were about career devel­op­ment for me, and learn­ing the dif­fer­ent steps you can take in a research career.”

Emily McCarthy

Com­ing from an under­grad­u­ate degree to this hands-on research has been incred­i­ble – going from lec­tures and exam­i­na­tions to crit­i­cal think­ing and trou­bleshoot­ing in the lab.”

Hannah van der Woude

I’ve learnt so much dur­ing my time here – stuff that uni­ver­si­ty labs just can’t teach. It’s an invalu­able experience.”

Keith Woo

Work­ing with the lead­ers in car­dio­vas­cu­lar research in Aus­tralia and hav­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn all these lab tech­niques is some­thing I real­ly enjoyed and may end up pur­su­ing back in NZ.”

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